
Analysis Potatoes

French processing stands out above the rest

January 21, 2025 - Niels van der Boom

Potato processors in France have had a great first half of the processing season. The availability of potatoes is no longer the biggest issue, partly due to a considerable import volume. In Germany, factories took it easy.

In the current processing season, until January 1st, French factories processed 918,000 tons of potatoes into fries and other products. That is a third more than the previous season. This increase in production can partly be attributed to the Belgian company Clarebout. The impact of the brand-new factory in Dunkirk is clearly visible in the French figures.

More hectares, more potatoes
France can access significantly more potatoes this season. The Ministry of Agriculture estimates 7.6 million tons of potatoes, almost 17% more than the five-year average and 11.6% more than in 2023. This extra production is partly due to a significant increase in acreage. The acreage increased by 16%, to 178,000 hectares.

The NEPG estimates 7.72 million tons for the country, according to their preliminary estimate. That is 12.6% more than in 2023 and 16.2% more than the five-year average. They mention 170,244 hectares. A growth of 7.3% compared to 2023.

Import of fry potatoes doubled
Between July and December, French factories processed 673,000 tons of contracted potatoes and bought an additional 45,000 tons freely, according to data from the industry organization GIPT. This makes the free share remarkably small, highlighting how scarce the free potato market in Europe has become. It is noteworthy that 200,000 tons of potatoes were imported, almost double the amount from the previous year. Perhaps French growers did not have enough free potatoes or did not want to sell them last autumn, prompting factories to look elsewhere.

The majority of these potatoes come from neighboring Belgium. According to NAO figures, the Netherlands delivered a total of 28,000 tons (-15.5%) of consumption potatoes last year (1,052 tons in December). In 2023, the export was 33,525 tons. It is not surprising that the imported potatoes are from Belgium, given the activities of Belgian processors in the country.

An additional 1.5 million tons required
France is currently the growth country for potato processing. The list of expansions for processing capacity is long, as outlined by GIPT. In addition to Clarebout, which can expand again in Dunkirk in the near future, Ecofrost is also building a new factory. Agristo hopes to open the doors of a new factory in Escaudœuvres from spring 2027. McCain is expanding the capacity of its existing French factories. Chip producer Altho is also building a new factory, and Lunor, specializing in chilled fresh potato products, is expanding its existing lines. The French Ministry of Agriculture expects that for the 2027/28 season, an additional 1.5 million tons of potatoes will be needed compared to the current season to meet the ambitions of the processors.

According to GIPT figures, the production increase has improved the trade balance. The country is estimated to import 184,000 tons more end products in the current season than it produces. This was 282,000 tons last season. The financial value has changed due to higher product prices. Last season, the deficit was €473 million, compared to €427 the season before.

Less German processing
In Germany, processors have started the current season more slowly. Until the new year, they produced 98,000 tons of fries in this processing season, according to data from the statistical service Destatis. That is 14,000 tons less, a decrease of 12.5%. This is remarkable because last season also started with a production decline, which later recovered. Other potato products were also produced less, such as chips and chilled fresh salad potatoes.

At the end of December, Destatis made a significant correction to the acreage figure. It is now at 282,200 hectares, 7,100 hectares less than previously thought. The difference is mainly in Lower Saxony, where Destatis reduced 6,000 hectares. The current acreage is 6.6% more than in 2023.

300,000-ton correction
The NEPG estimates 209,000 hectares of consumption potatoes for the country, which means a 9% increase. They estimate 9.19 million tons of potatoes, 11% more than the five-year average. If you calculate the current Destatis figures into the yield, you get 12.4 million tons of potatoes. This is a decrease of 300,000 tons compared to the estimate made in October. By the end of January, it should be clear how it stands exactly and how the distribution between consumption and starch is.

Niels van der Boom

Niels van der Boom is a senior market specialist in potatoes and other soft commodities at DCA Market Intelligence.