Emsland Group

News Potatoes

Emsland Group season ends with higher payout prices

June 26, 2024 - Niels van der Boom

Emsland Group has concluded the processing season 2023/24 for starch and flake potatoes at the end of June by determining the final payout prices. It pays a market bonus as part of the contract price.

The previously announced contract price for starch potatoes with 19% starch, delivered to Emsland Stärke, is €105 per ton. In addition, the company pays a so-called market equalization premium of €18 per ton. With an average quality, the final payout price amounts to €140.45 per ton. This includes a transport allowance. For potatoes with 23% starch, this amount increases to a maximum of €163.19. Last year (harvest 2022), the final payout price was €123 per ton.

At Emsland Food, the price of flake potatoes for delivery in mid-September (delivered to the factory) amounts to €144.72 (Amanda 16.5% starch) and €152.72 (Novano 20% starch). These prices increase to a maximum of €225.37 and €229.37 for delivery in mid-June. Growers receive a storage fee of €64.64 per ton. These prices apply to average quality and include a transport surcharge.

Financial assistance
Last season, Emsland Group paid a financial compensation of €10 per ton, which is included in the above prices. The company announced this in December. This was to help growers who had a very difficult potato harvest. The transport allowance was also increased last season due to the German transport tax.

For the 2024 harvest year, the base price for starch potatoes is €110 per ton with 19% starch, excluding surcharges. This is an increase of €5 compared to last year.

All planted
Due to the wet autumn, an estimated 5% of the area at Emsland remained unplanted. CEO Gerrit-Jan Wesselink has confirmed that all potatoes have now been planted. "The early planted potato fields look good. In the later planted fields, the growth is sometimes uneven, partly due to varying seed potato quality. In East Germany, there was less rain. Growers there are now irrigating."

Niels van der Boom

Niels van der Boom is a senior market specialist in potatoes and other soft commodities at DCA Market Intelligence.
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Analysis Potatoes

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