If we are to believe the French growers' organization UNPT and the association for processors GIPT, the country is facing a monster increase in the ware potato area this year. An additional 11,500 hectares are being grown. These are mainly grown in the North, fueled by the ambitions of the processors.
If the figures are correct, the ware potato area in France this year will reach 170,244 hectares. This is reported by the UNPT and GIPT. This represents an increase of 7.3%, or 11,567 hectares. Never before have so many ware potatoes been grown in the country. The largest increase is visible in the Picardy department.
More potatoes for expanding factories
The many additional lines at potato processors need to be filled, and for that, potatoes are needed. A lot of potatoes. If we are to believe the figures, growers have responded to that call. In the two northern departments: Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Picardy, the area increases the most. The fry potatoes are not only destined for French factories but also cross the Belgian border.
In Nord-Pas-de-Calais, the area increases by almost 4,000 hectares. This amounts to 7.2%, totaling 58,900 hectares. For Picardy, the increase of 4,500 hectares (10.1%) is slightly larger. The total reaches 49,500 hectares. Thus, the two departments are by far the largest areas when it comes to potatoes. The Hauts-de-France region now accounts for 64% of all French potatoes. The surface area is also increasing in other northern French regions. In total by 7.68%. The area is increasing in the other regions by several hundred hectares.
Divergent figures
The area figures are remarkable. In early June, the government agency Agreste published a figure of 159,000 hectares of ware potatoes. This is significantly less than what the growers themselves anticipate based on their own information. UNPT uses government figures for the less important regions.
According to UNPT, too many conclusions should not be drawn regarding the yield. The planting and growing conditions were difficult due to the heavy rainfall. Growers provided their figures in May and early June, so the final number may turn out differently because not all hectares were planted. There are also new potato growers who could not all be reached.
Impressive achievement
The French area figures are impressive to say the least. Even in a year with sufficient seed potatoes available, an increase of 11,500 hectares is very significant. This means that nearly half of the area growth in the EU-4 is accounted for by French growers. Given the focus of the processors, this movement is not surprising. The focus is currently in Northern France, and the ambitions are high.
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