
News Potatoes

Larger Polish acreage does not yet yield top harvest

August 19, 2024 - By our team of market reporters

The potato season in Poland has unfolded differently this year compared to Western European countries. The acreage has increased again, but that is no guarantee for a top harvest. Even with an average yield, the potato volume remains below average.

After three years of decline in potato acreage, farmers planted more potatoes this spring. Official statistics mention 200,000 hectares, compared to 182,650 hectares last year. An increase of 17,350 hectares or 9.5%. Lower prices for wheat, corn, and rapeseed have led Polish farmers to turn to potatoes more often. This figure is not surprising as insiders had already taken it into account.

Early start
Unlike Western Europe, planting in the country started early and smoothly. The season began two to three weeks earlier, allowing the first early potatoes to appear by the end of May. Rainfall came just in time in most places. High disease pressure was and still is a fact here. Colorado beetles have also caused problems.

In recent weeks, rain once again arrived just in time to keep the crops growing. Mainly in the east and northeast, where most starch potatoes are grown, it is drier than average. In the south, west, and north, there is more moisture available for the potatoes.

Average yield
It is still difficult to estimate what the yield will be. On professional farms with good irrigation, yields typically range between 40 and 50 tons, but this is not the case everywhere. The quality of seed potatoes also plays an important role. The national average is 32 tons per hectare, a figure also considered by the Polish potato organization.

In theory, this would result in a total harvest of 6.4 million tons of potatoes. This is more than what was harvested in 2023 and 2022, but still below average. The five-year average is 6.78 million tons and the ten-year average is 7.22 million tons.

Healthy market expected
The Polish potato organization SPZ expects that with this volume, the industry demand cannot be met, which should result in a healthy market for growers. Hopefully, this will also lead to a good starting situation for the next season.

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