The yield of potatoes continues to lag significantly behind the multi-year average. This is apparent from the latest trial harvest figures from Aviko, which took samples in week 34. The growth curve of the most common fry varieties of the 2024 harvest is at the level of the 2018 and 2023 harvest years.
Due to the exceptionally dry conditions in 2018, the eventual harvest at that time fell well below the multi-year average. Last year, the crops were found to have made a reasonable growth spurt later in the season to reach a gross average of 60 tons per hectare. One striking aspect of the Aviko figures this growing season is the lag in size. It remains to be seen whether this lag will be compensated for. Finer potatoes generally come at the expense of factory yield. On a positive note, the specific gravity stands out. That compensates a bit.
The figures regarding the state of potatoes in the Netherlands from Aviko are in line with the results of other sources. The growth curve of this season often slightly exceeds that of the previous season, but remains about 10% below the multi-year average. The percentage of large potatoes also falls behind the average of previous years.
Varietal Differences
When we zoom in on the different varieties, Fontane performs relatively well. The negative variation of the popular (currently fetching up to €20) Innovator variety is greater. In comparison, the average hectare yield of Agria is quite disappointing.
A survey in neighboring countries shows that the trends observed in the Dutch crops can be extended to Belgium, with differences between Wallonia (disappointing) and Flanders. In Germany, many growers were able to plant on time (before May 1), resulting in generally good crop conditions. However, the later planted fields are lagging behind. In the coming weeks, the final potato harvest of the EU-4 will determine the market price trend. The weather in September will naturally also play a role in this.