The potatoes that were planted in May and June continue to struggle with a sometimes significant delay. This is evident from the most recent trial dig figures. The Belgian potato fields with just under one hundred growing days show a yield at the beginning of September that is normally achieved at the end of July.
Just like in the VTA figures, the variation between crops in the Belgian data is extremely large. It ranges from 13 to 71 tons per hectare gross. This is based on the most recent data from Viaverda, Fiwap, Carah, and other Belgian organizations. The data includes 36 fields in Flanders and Wallonia with Fontane that have been sampled. Fontane is by far the most common potato variety among our southern neighbors.
Logically, the potatoes planted earlier perform better than those planted in May and June. However, the heterogeneity within fields is very high, as noted by Viaverda. Almost every potato grower is familiar with the image this year: a waterlogged headland, low spots, or areas with poor soil structure. This makes taking a representative trial harvest even more challenging. Where do you sample and what is consistent with reality? Also, plant loss due to seed potato issues leads to differences between plants. Very few fields are performing uniformly well this year. This could lead to unpleasant surprises.
The sampled Fontane fields average 35.6 tons per hectare at the beginning of September, with a significant variation. After 99 growing days, the average is 35 tons, indicating no significant improvement or deterioration in crop growth. However, when looking at the date, a noticeable difference of 26% is observed. The multi-year average at the beginning of September is 48 tons.
The crops planted in April show a slight increase in weight compared to the previous sampling. For the fields planted in May, this is 380 kilograms per day (42 tons/ha), and for those planted in June, it is 700 kg/day. According to researchers, it is striking that the May-planted fields are also ripening rapidly, causing growth to slow down. The ripeness of the early fields is 70% and that of the May fields is 50%. The very late fields are still very green and sometimes even in full bloom.
As expected, the late fields lag behind in size. Currently, around 60% of the potatoes are 50 millimeters or larger. The earlier crops reach 78% or more. The average dry matter content is 387 grams, noting that more than half of the fields have not yet reached 360 grams. Some very high values up to 469 grams are also recorded. The quality of the tubers is considered good. There is minimal evidence of growth cracks, and secondary tubers are absent. The potatoes also fry well.
Out of the 36 sampled fields, 19 were planted in June and 13 in May. Only four were planted in April. If this is representative of all of Belgium, the yield could significantly disappoint in many areas. As mentioned earlier, everything depends on the regrowth. What will happen in the next thirty to forty days. The weather plays a crucial role in this. Additionally, it is a matter of how much risk you are willing to take and when to decide to kill off the crop and start harvesting. This period also requires time. It is becoming increasingly clear that the late fields will struggle to achieve an average yield.
Aviko Figures
Aviko Potato also sampled its potato fields in the Netherlands in week 36. They are following the growth curve of 2023 with a gross yield that is just above 50 tons per hectare. This is comparable to 2023 and 2022, with the potential for the potatoes to gain a few more tons in the next four weeks.
The size distribution significantly lags behind, with only 70% now being 50 millimeters or larger. This is very low for this time, as it is normally above 80%. The average dry matter content has increased to 400 grams in a week, indicating that the fields are progressing towards ripeness.
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