
News Dairy

German milk supply up in April, but later decrease

June 24, 2024 - Alex Jurvillier

New Eurostat data on the German milk supply show an increased milk supply in the first months of 2024. The milk supply increased from January to April. Data from the German Zentrale Milchmarkt Berichterstattung (ZMB) goes further, according to them the seasonal peak is now over and the milk supply decreased in May.

According to Eurostat data, Germany's milk supply in April 2024 was 2.8 million tons. That is almost the same amount as in April 2023, only 0.9% higher. The percentage increase between April 2022 (2.7 million tons) and April 2023 (2.8 million tons) is slightly larger at 3.4%. The five-year average for April is 2.8 million tons, and April 2024 is slightly above that with a difference of 0.87%.

In the first months of 2024 up to April, a year-on-year increase of 0.33% to 11 million tons can be seen. The first months of 2023 showed a larger increase compared to the previous year. In 2023, the milk supply up to April was 2.93% higher (11 million tons) than the milk supply from January to April 2022 (10.6 million tons).

According to the German ZMB, the seasonal peak in the German milk supply should now be over. Their data goes a bit further, showing a decrease in milk production in the last week of May by 0.2%. Similarly, the production of butter and skimmed milk powder decreased by 7.6% and 9.9% in week 22, respectively. Cheese production increased by 3.1% in that week.

In a preview of June, the German Milch Industrie Verband speaks of a milk market developing positively. According to the MIV, the weather has stimulated the German milk supply. The butter market is doing well. The relatively low supply is causing many parties to pay more for butter, and the German dairy market is now reaping the benefits.

Alex Jurvillier

Alex Jurvillier is a market specialist in sugar and cacao at DCA Market Intelligence. He also monitors the milk supply in the most important dairy countries and keeps an eye on developments in food.

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