
Analysis Pigs & Pork

Demand for pigs? Yes. Higher prices? No!

November 29, 2024 - Wouter Baan

The sentiment on the pork market is starting to pick up slightly as the month of December is about to begin. The demand from slaughterhouses for slaughter-ready pigs is not bad, but overall it is still not enough to move prices.

Compared to previous weeks, the atmosphere in the pork market has cleared up. According to traders, there is more demand for pigs, although not in a rush. There has also been more slaughtering recently, even exceeding the 300,000 pigs mark. With average weights above 100 kilograms, the supply is heavy.

A shortage of pigs this year is therefore not a likely scenario. Especially because the holidays fall unfavorably for the placement of porkers. Three full slaughter days fall in the middle of the week. It can hardly get any worse.

The Christmas demand for pork is gradually picking up, especially in the sales of hams and the front part. But even here, a wild demand is not yet evident.

Equal Market Price
With the current knowledge, rising pork prices in the run-up to Christmas are not a likely scenario, but never say never. The DCA Beursprijs 2.0 remains unchanged at €1.89 per kilogram for slaughtered pigs. The price of live pigs remains steady at €1.48 per kilogram. Prices in other parts of Europe are also moving sideways.

Wouter Baan

Wouter Baan is the editor-in-chief of Farmerbusiness and a market specialist in dairy, pork, and meat at DCA Market Intelligence. He also tracks developments within the agribusiness sector and conducts interviews with CEOs and policymakers.
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