
News Meat & Protein

China is importing Brazilian poultry meat again

August 19, 2024 - Matthijs Bremer

China has resumed the import of Brazilian poultry meat, as announced by the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture last week. At the end of July, the export of chicken meat was halted after the outbreak of Newcastle disease.

As a result, key trading partners such as China, Europe, and Argentina decided to halt trade. The country has successfully negotiated a regionalization strategy. Only chicken from the state of Rio Grande do Sul is still not exported to China. In doing so, China aligns with the policies of countries like Canada and South Korea, which prohibit imports within 50 kilometers of the outbreak.

The impact of regionalization is of considerable importance for Brazil. China is one of the largest buyers of Brazilian poultry meat. In the first half of 2024, Brazil sold 276,000 tons of poultry meat to the country, which accounts for approximately 11% of the total export.

Matthijs Bremer

Matthijs Bremer is a market specialist in pork, beef, and poultry meat at DCA Market Intelligence. He also monitors the protein transition, keeping an eye on developments in cultured meat and meat substitutes.