
Analysis Pigs & Pork

Market for live pigs stable, slaughter pigs up

September 20, 2024 - Klaas van der Horst

In Northwest Europe, the call prices for slaughter pigs have largely remained the same this week, but at the same time, especially in the Netherlands, the number of slaughters continued to decrease. However, the slaughterhouses do want to keep the lines occupied.

There may be a small silver lining for the pig suppliers. Some groups of pigs may also have slightly more weight differences due to a slightly delayed growth during the warm weather in the previous weeks. These animals are now ready for slaughter.

The export of live pigs continues to decline. This is happening both towards Germany and other destinations. The demand for these animals seems slightly weaker. This is partly due to a slight decrease in consumption in all these countries and weakening prices.

Based on the data for the DCA Beursprijs 2.0, the price for live pigs remains unchanged at €1.54. For slaughtered pigs, the DCA Benchmark Price increases by €0.01 to €1.96.

Klaas van der Horst

Klaas van der Horst is a senior market specialist in dairy at DCA Market Intelligence. He also closely monitors developments in politics and agricultural policy.
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