
Analysis Pigs

Let loose on the pig market

May 22, 2024 - Wouter Baan

Finally, the pig prices are rising again. After a period of ten periods of stability, during which various Dutch slaughterhouses attempted to push the market down in between, the quotations are rising again.

Van Rooi increases the quotation by €0.02 to €1.97 per kilo. Compaxo adds a penny, following the path of the DCA Market Price. Compaxo also increased by 3 cents last week, but that was partly a correction for a previous price reduction a few weeks ago.

Overall, the quotations of both slaughterhouses have increased by the same amount. The same applies to Westfort, which also lowered prices in between. The quotation of Vion rises by 3 cents to €2.02 per kilo.

Meat market picks up
The higher prices result from positive developments in meat sales. Due to better weather and rising temperatures, the demand for barbecue parts is increasing. This is reflected in higher prices for, among other things, necks, ribs, and shoulders, as shown in the weekly changes by DCA Market Intelligence.

Based on these changes, the calculated carcass price increases by €3.58 per kilo. From this perspective, one might conclude that slaughterhouses are taking it easy, but that is with a negative approach that is only based on the spot market. Nevertheless, many pig farmers are likely happy with the rising prices, considering the high piglet costs in recent months.

Stable German quotation
Pig farmers selling based on the German quotation still have to deal with unchanged revenue prices, as the VEZG price remains unchanged at €2.20 per kilo. However, it is worth noting that this quotation was less susceptible to price pressure earlier this year.

Wouter Baan

Wouter Baan is the editor-in-chief of Farmerbusiness and a market specialist in dairy, pork, and meat at DCA Market Intelligence. He also tracks developments within the agribusiness sector and conducts interviews with CEOs and policymakers.
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